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Racecourse Lane, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY3 5BJ • • 01743 351948

Oxon CE Primary School

Year 4

In Year 4, French is taught by a specialist French teacher for half an hour a week. The main theme throughout the year is The World around us which enables the children to be able to describe the world around them in more detail.

Focus topics: Modes of transports; How you get to school; French-speaking countries/map-work; where do you live; weather; points of the compass; days of the week; seasons of the year; numbers up to 31; sports.

Grammar focus: Question words; adverbs; more gender work.

Intercultural understanding: French-speaking countries; Christmas in France; Easter in France; greetings cards; Bastille Day; story of Grandmère Denise (Grandmother Denise).