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Racecourse Lane, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY3 5BJ • • 01743 351948

Oxon CE Primary School

Communication to Parents

We try very hard to keep parents/carers regularly informed about what is happening at school, however, sending paper letters home can be rather ‘hit and miss’ with letters often going astray.

We are also increasingly aware of the substantial cost and environmental impact associated with the amount of paper and photocopying involved.

To help improve these areas we use a service called ParentMail, which is used by approximately 2,500 schools across the UK to communicate with parents by email and text message. 

ParentMail is beneficial to parents/carers because:

  • Messages will get to you reliably
  • We can send messages directly to mums and dads at the same time
  • You will quickly know about important or urgent messages
  • We can tell you more about what is going on at school
  • You have a digital copy of the letter to refer back to

Please be assured that ParentMail is registered with the Data Protection Registrar and guarantees that all information you provide will be kept private and will not be passed on to any other organisation.

Registering for ParentMail

Under the legitimate interest, lawful basis within GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations), we will add your child's name, date of birth, class and year group as well as parents/carers name, e-mail address and mobile phone to ParentMail. Parents/carers will receive an e-mail asking them to verify contact details.  Once the verification has taken place, you will begin receiving emails and emergency text messages from school to your email address/mobile.

Changing your Contact Details

Parents/Carers are to change contact details in ParentMail by logging in with your username (email address) and the password which would have been set up when they joined ParentMail. There is a forgotten password option if anyone is struggling to remember their password. 

Please note: School also use a School Management Computer System called Capita SIMS, which also holds information about children and emergency contacts.  This system produces the Data Collection forms which are sent home every September to confirm details. Therefore, any changes made to contact details also need to be shared with the school office so that SIMS can be kept up to date too.

As we do not expect parents to print out letters at home.  All letters with a reply slip will be sent home as a paper copy with the child.