Drinking Water
We believe that it is very important that children have regular access to drinking water. We are very aware of the large body of educational and medical research that supports this approach. Listed below are our current arrangements.
Containers – Parents are asked to supply children with named ‘sports’ containers.
Drink – The bottles should only be filled with water.
Storage – Bottles will be stored in a central class location.
Drinking – Drinks will be taken at specific points during the day. Each teacher will identify these ‘drinking zones’ at the start of the day/week. The planned times for ‘drinking zones’ will be displayed for the children within the classroom. In hot weather, drinks opportunities may need to be more frequent.
Playgrounds – At break and lunchtime the class storage box containing drinking bottles will be taken outside so that the children can have access to water throughout the playtime.
Lunchtime drinks – Children who bring a packed lunch to school and wish to have a drink, other than water, with their meal should bring an additional drink container.