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Racecourse Lane, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY3 5BJ • • 01743 351948

Oxon CE Primary School

Drop Off and Collection

We ask that all pupils enter school from the playground at the back of the school building. 

The day begins at 8.45am when the external gates to school are opened.  Once on the school site, the children enter the ‘enclosures’ through designated entrances, where school staff will greet them.  At 8.50am the external gates are closed. To ensure the safeguarding of children, parents are not allowed to enter the ‘enclosures’ or pass through them into the school building.  Any parent who needs access to school should enter the main entrance, via Racecourse Lane, and complete the sign-in procedures at that point.  Parents who need to visit the school office also need to approach from Racecourse Lane.

The responsible adult must enter the school grounds and accompany the child to the designated drop-off point.  Our security systems are designed to provide full supervision after the child has entered the drop off enclosure.  For this reason, children must not be dropped off outside school grounds and enter through the metal perimeter gates alone.

Late Arrivals

The side gates should be used to access school up until 8.50am. After 8.50am children will need to enter school from the front entrance as the security gates will be locked.  Such children will be marked absent, and their parents should sign them into school in the ‘Late Arrival Book’.

End of the School Day

The children will finish school at 3.15pm where the teachers will bring the children out onto the playground.  The school gates are opened at 3.15pm, once you have collected your child please leave the school site to enable easier movement for other parents.  The gates will be locked immediately after all the children have left.

To ensure the safeguarding of children, parents are not allowed to enter the ‘enclosures’ or pass through them into the school building.  Any parent who needs access to school should enter the main entrance, via Racecourse Lane, and complete the sign-in procedures at that point.  Parents who need to visit the school office also need to approach from Racecourse Lane.

Please help us by not collecting other children unless this has been arranged with the child’s parents, and they have informed the class teacher or the school office.

If parents or other adults are delayed, the children will be supervised back in school.  Please let the school office know you are delayed so that your child is safe and make your way to the school office.  The school car park is for staff and official school visitors only.

We have a system that enables parents of children in Year 5 and 6 to give permission for their child to walk to and from school unaccompanied if they wish.  If you are fully confident that your Year 5 or 6 child is able to walk to and from school alone, please email the school office giving your permission.  If you feel they are not ready to walk alone yet, please email the school office when you feel they are ready, and we will add them to the walking home list.