School Milk Scheme
From January 2015, government legislation was introduced stating that schools should give children the opportunity to drink milk during the school day, therefore, we are registered with a company called Cool Milk, who are able to offer milk to all of our pupils, if required. Children under five years old are entitled to the milk free of charge, as are children who are entitled to low income free school meals (not universal free school meals). For any other children who want milk, parents/carers can buy 189ml bottles of semi-skimmed milk at a subsidised rate, which is delivered to the children for morning break. You can find further information on the Cool Milk website by clicking here.
To join the scheme and pay for milk, parents/carers can register online via the Cool Milk website. If ordering the milk before Tuesday at 5pm, the child will receive the milk the following week. If ordering milk after Tuesday at 5pm, the child will have missed the following weeks deliveries, but will begin receiving milk the Monday after that.
If you have any questions relating to school milk, please visit the frequently asked questions on the Cool Milk website or contact them directly on 0844 854 2913.