Year 2
The curriculum covers the areas of spoken language, reading (word reading and comprehension), writing-transcription (spelling and handwriting), and writing-composition (vocabulary, grammar and punctuation).
The children listen to and discuss a wide range of texts including fiction, non-fiction and poetry. In reading, work from earlier years is developed, with increasing fluency a focus. The children are taught to use a range of strategies to read texts with accuracy, understanding and expression. They identify the organisational features of texts and learn to retrieve information when answering questions on these texts. In writing, they continue to develop the skill of composing sentences orally before writing them down. They organise their ideas, using additional features to make their writing interesting for the reader. They make additions, revisions and corrections to their writing. Spelling sessions focus on continuing to develop a secure phonic knowledge, whilst applying new spelling rules. They write for a variety of audiences and purposes. Spoken language is developed throughout the year using a range of activities.