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Racecourse Lane, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY3 5BJ • • 01743 351948

Oxon CE Primary School

Year 3

Focus areas: What was it like to live in an Iron Age fort? What did the Romans do for us in Britain?

During history sessions, the children continue to develop an understanding of the chronology of British history using a range of sources and artefacts. They learn about why the period is know as the Iron Age and study the local fort at Oswestry, finding out about daily life at the fort and how archaeological remains tell us about the time. The children use a range of sources to develop their knowledge and understanding of the Roman Empire and its impact on Britain. The unit includes a visit to Chester to look at why the Roman army was successful and key events of Boudica’s revolt.  The children will explore 'Romanisation' of Britain, the impact of technology, culture and beliefs. Causation, change and continuity are key concepts and skills in these units.