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Racecourse Lane, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY3 5BJ • • 01743 351948

Oxon CE Primary School

Year 4

The curriculum covers the areas of spoken language, reading (word reading and comprehension), writing-transcription (spelling and handwriting), and writing-composition (vocabulary, grammar and punctuation).

The children study a range of texts in our fiction, non-fiction and poetry units. Fiction genres include stories in imaginary worlds, stories with historical settings, stories from other cultures and stories that raise issues. Non-fiction genres include recounts, information writing, persuasive writing and explanatory texts. Poetry units focus on creating images and exploring form. Writing skills focus on the development of structure through paragraphs and adding detail and description through the use of adjectives and adverbs. The children write for a variety of audiences and purposes.  Word reading and comprehension skills are developed through reading activities which involve shared and guided tasks.  Spoken language is developed throughout the year using a range of activities.